Chamber Patrons
Chamber Patrons
The DIT works with UK based businesses to ensure their success in international markets through exports. We encourage and support overseas companies to look at the UK as the best place to set up or expand their business.
We are responsible for:
- international trade and investment
- helping UK companies achieve their potential overseas through exporting
- encouraging investment in the UK by overseas businesses
1 Victoria Street
London, SW1H 0ET
Telephone: 020 7215 5000
National Bank of Egypt (UK) Limited is a wholly owned subsidiary of National Bank of Egypt (NBE), the largest and oldest bank in Egypt, with total assets of US $21Bn, it is also one of the largest banks in Africa and the Middle East.
NBE (UK) Ltd commenced trading as an authorised institution under the UK Banking Act 1987 (superseded by the Financial Services and Markets Act of 2000) in December 1992, and was set up in order to take over the operations of 2 London branches of NBE (UK) Ltd, established in 1982. The Bank provides general banking services in the UK and worldwide.
11 Waterloo Place
London SW1Y 4AU
Telephone: 020 7389 1200
Fax: 020 7930 8882