
Currency = Egyptian pound (EGP)

Exchange rate with GBP: 1 GBP = 23.2 EGP


Due to the fact that only 10% of Egyptian people have bank accounts, Egypt remains a cash based economy

  • Corporate tax = flat rate of 22.5%
  • No capital gains tax
  • Income tax = capped at 22.5%
  • VAT = 14%


Currency = British Pound (GBP)

Exchange rate with EGP: 1 GBP = 23.2 EGP


Over 95% of adults in the UK have at least one bank account. Around 9,000 bank branches and nearly 70,000 cash machines are available in the UK

  • Corporate tax = flat rate of 20%
  • Capital Gains Tax = between 10% and 20%
  • Income tax = between 10% and 45%
  • VAT = 20%